Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tip of the Day: Chest Heirloom Enchants

With the release of the Heirloom chestpiece and changes to mount level requirements, I have since a huge increase of people leveling alts. With this increase has come a very profitable market for lower level enchants. Heirloom items are considered item lvl 1, which means that the only enchants available are the vanilla wow, no requirement enchants.

Currently there are two pieces that can be enchanted. Chest, Weapon. I have made a lot of money off of enchanting the obvious. This week I am going to see if i can expand further into this market by picking up some of the lucrative enchants that I have overlooked.

The enchants that have been selling for me like candy are: Crusader, Fiery Weapon and Major Health. The mats for these are quite easy to pick up, and the formulas are often available in the auction house.

There are some obvious enchants that I could pick up that should also be in high demand. In this section, we will be looking at the possible enchants, their material costs and potential profit, and where to get the formulas.

Starting with the chest enchants, there are really only 3 possibilities. They Are:

Major Mana (+100 mana), Major Health(+100 hp) and Greater Stats (+4 stats). As you can see, each of the material costs for these enchants are low.

The materials for the items below require the following:

Illusion Dust: On spinebreaker you can frequently buy illusion dust from 1-2g. Once I write down my disenchanting guide, you will probably have plenty from disenchanting item level 51-55 (2g) and 56-60 greens (5g). I typical classify the value of an item in two categories. The market price and my sale price. In this case, i put illusion dust up on the AH for 2.99g each, when the market runs dry, they always sell at this price. The market value, i use for when disenchanting or buying, is 1.5g. In the case, i value item level 51-55 armor greens at 2g because they disenchant into and average of 1.5 illusion dust. When i create enchanting scrolls, i use my market value to determine how much it will cost me to make a particular scroll. After i determine the cost, i then tack on what i feel would be a good profit margin. The reason i don't use my sale price to determine the cost of the scroll, is I try not to "double-dip" or tack on profit from dust and then profit from scroll. This usually inflates the price too high for buyers, so i have too options; 1) Use my sale price of 2.99g per dust and charge the total materials (my price) cost for the scroll, or 2) use the Market Price for the materials used in the scroll and then tack on a profit, either will work just fine as both will gain significant profit from what you paid for the original mats.

Small Brilliant Shard: Recently with the patch 3.1 enchanting changes, these have sky-rocketed. I used to buy these for as low as 10-25 silver. Now, i frequently buy them all up at 2-3g each. These are used in the very popular heirloom enchant: Major Health. The market value i use for these is 2.5g , my sales price is 5-6g.

Large Brilliant Shard: These have also sky-rocketed post 3.1. The market value i use for these is 3 gold. A lot of the time, i can find these as little as 1g each do to the excessive number of stratthome farmers. I sell these for 5-6g. You will need a lot of these for weapon enchants as well.

Armor Vellum: These are very easy to come by. Many scribes who are powerleveling inscription make loads of these. Try to buy these up whenever they are cheap on the AH. I have found these for as little as 1g per stack of 20. This is such an insignificant cost, that i don't even add it into the cost to produce the chest enchants.

Now lets look at the chests enchants we will be enchanting.

Major Mana requires 8 illusion dust. I "could" make 8*2.99g= 24g, from selling the dust by itself on the ah. My market value puts this enchant at 8*1.5= 12g. It is probably not worth your listing time to sell this at anything lower than 30g. 29.99g is what i sell this enchant for. Although the least popular of the chest enchants, i have still managed to sell a dozen or so at this price. If you are low on funds, start out making 5 of these, they have no deposit fee, so there is very little risk. Eventually they will sell. The formula is found in Eastern PL from scarlet enchanters.

Major Health (Note: This enchant requires lvl 30 to function but can still be used on heirloom items.) requires 2 Small Brilliant Shards. I could make 2*6=12g from selling the shards. Market price of 2.5*2=5g makes this a very cheap enchant. Using my no listing under 30g rule, 30g is a significant profit. This is a very popular heirloom enchant. If no one else in your market is creating these, you could easily sell these for 40-50g. Major Health can be purchased by Qia in winterspring. I have sold around 50 of these since i started making these.

Superior Health Could be a great alternative to the lvl 30 requirement of Major health. Sup Health costs 6 vision dust and is trainable by the enchanting trainers.

Greater Stats: Requires 6 illusion dust and 2 Large Brilliant Shards = 15g market value or 30g sales price. Currently I do not have the formula to make these, due to the fact that it is a world drop and extremely rare. Sealed Scroll Case from ZA can contain this, although getting the correct vendor to spawn can be difficult. Your best bet is to continuously search the AH for it and hope it appears. This is a very popular enchant. Due to its rarity, i would sell the scrolls for 99g.

As you can see, Heirloom enchants can be a considerable boost to your daily AH income. Tomorrow we will analyze the weapon enchants available for heirloom items. Click Here to Read More..